Oasis Community Partnership is partnering with Living Water Community Church's Vehicle Repair Ministry (VRM) to assist those struggling financially with minor vehicle repairs (oil changes, brakes, etc.)
Housed in the lower level of Living Water's Community Resource Center (CRC), the VRM features a two bay garage, hydraulic lift, and all of the tools necessary to provide routine maintenance on a variety of vehicles.
The vehicle owner is responsible for the cost of all parts and the VRM volunteer team provides the labor. Work is completed on the first and third Saturdays of the month.
To request service from this ministry, individuals must complete a Vehicle Repair Request and Waiver of Liability.
You can also submit questions regarding VRM at vehicles@livingwatercc.com.
To have your application sent straight to our team, click the blue button below to MAKE A REQUEST FOR VEHICLE REPAIR.
* We will be contacting you by email, so don't forget to check your inbox for our reply.